Thursday, 21 January 2016

Recommended Vaccinations from an Animal or Veterinary Hospital in Concord, CA

To protect a pet from disease, keep vaccinations up-to-date. If the pet spends most of its time indoors, vaccinations are particularly important. Airborne contagious disease exposure can come from an open window. The risk of pets slipping out the door also exists. Grooming salons, dog parks, and boarding kennels are potential areas in which pets can contract a disease. Remember, too, that vaccinations require a little time to take effect. That time frame can be a few days or a few weeks. 

Dogs and cats all need to be vaccinated against rabies. An animal hospital in Concord, CA can perform the service. There are also vaccinations that are specifically needed by dogs or cats. Doctors, working in a veterinary hospital in Concord, CA, will recommend a ‘distemper shot’ for your pet dog. It is a combination vaccine that protects against distemper. The vaccine also protects against parvovirus, parainfluenza, and hepatitis. 

Depending on your location, other vaccines may be recommended by an animal hospital vet in Concord, CA. California is usually a moist climate, especially along the coast. Slow-moving or standing water is a breeding ground for bacterial infection. Veterinary hospitals, in Concord, CA, will likely include a leptospirosis vaccine in the distemper shot. Lyme disease, an infection caused by ticks, is also prevalent along the west coast. Dogs should be vaccinated against that disease as well. 

The distemper shot, a veterinary hospital in Concord, CA would recommend for your cat, is a combination of vaccinations against panleukopenia, calicivirus, and feline viral rhinotracheitis. Other recommended cat vaccinations are based on where your cat spends most of its time. Cats that spend a lot of time outdoors will likely receive the recommendations for feline immunodeficiency virus and feline leukemia from an animal hospital in Concord, CA. 

To know more about animal hospital concord ca and veterinary hospital concord ca please visit the website.